To me, writing has a pace like music. What is a symphony without the allegro followed by the adagio?
The first scene I feel should contain much movement and introduce the themes that will be heard throughout the piece. Perhaps give a hint of what is to come.
After that, we can lull the reader with an adagio, and then wake them up again with a rousing rondo.
If you don't know what I am talking about, download a classic symphony from Mozart or Beethoven. Find your pace.
#1Writing in the Guy's Perspective
Let's face it ladies, men think differently than we do.
When a critic said my guy hero was...well.. not macho enough, I was determined to find the male POV. But where? Like, do I just go up to some guy and say, "Hey, what is it like when a woman dumps you?" or ... better yet... "What goes on in your head when you're doing the deed?"
I am offficially coming out of the closet. I love Country Western Music,
Why? In three minutes, our crooner makes up a character, has him fall in love, and has us fall in love with him. And.. doing the deed? So many wonderful euphemisms.